Qwik Testing Library
โก Simple and complete Qwik DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
Qwik Testing Library is a lightweight library for testing Qwik components. It provides functions on top of Qwik and DOM Testing Library so you can mount Qwik components and query their rendered output in the DOM. Its primary guiding principle is:
The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.
Note that because Vite is used by default for Qwik projects, the Qwik Testing Library integration was configured to run tests with Vitest.
You can add Qwik Testing Library easily by using the following Qwik starter script:
pnpm run qwik add testing-library
npm run qwik add testing-library
yarn run qwik add testing-library
bun run qwik add testing-library
After running the command, qwik-testing-library will be installed, configured, and a new component will be added to your project.
The component will be added to the src/components/example
directory along with a new unit test
named example. spec.tsx
// import qwik-testing methods
import { screen, render, waitFor } from "@noma.to/qwik-testing-library";
// import the userEvent methods to interact with the DOM
import { userEvent } from "@testing-library/user-event";
// import the component to be tested
import { ExampleTest } from "./example";
// describe the test suite
describe("<ExampleTest />", () => {
// describe the test case
it("should increment the counter", async () => {
// setup user event
const user = userEvent.setup();
// render the component into the DOM
await render(<ExampleTest />);
// retrieve the 'increment count' button
const incrementBtn = screen.getByRole("button", {
name: /increment counter/i,
// click the button twice
await user.click(incrementBtn);
await user.click(incrementBtn);
// assert that the counter is now 2
expect(await screen.findByText(/count:2/i)).toBeInTheDocument();